1. Special Education Community Knowledge
  2. Student Not Assessed or Receiving Services

"Is your child getting the best help for learning?"

Wondering if your child is getting the right support in school? It can be tricky to understand all the terms schools use, like Child Find, MTSS, SST, and Special Education.

Understanding Child Find, MTSS, SST, and Special Education: A Parent's Guide

Hello parents, guardians, and caregivers!

Navigating the education system can sometimes feel like deciphering a bowl of alphabet soup with all its acronyms and terms. Don't fret! Today, we're breaking down four essential terms you may come across: Child Find, MTSS, SST, and Special Education. By understanding these, you'll be better equipped to support and advocate for your child's learning journey.


What is Child Find?

Imagine a big safety net ensuring no child falls through the cracks. That's Child Find. It's a commitment that every child, from birth to 21, is identified if they might need special support due to potential disabilities. So, even before your child starts school, there's a system in place looking out for their needs.

The ABCs of MTSS

MTSS, or Multi-Tiered System of Supports, is like a three-step ladder:

Step 1 (Tier 1): Every student gets quality instruction.

Step 2 (Tier 2): Some students, if they need a little extra help, get additional, more targeted support.

Step 3 (Tier 3): A few students might need even more focused help.

Think of MTSS as a proactive approach, ensuring every child gets the right level of support.

The Super Supportive SST

Ever wish you had a dedicated team brainstorming the best ways to help your child? Enter the SST (Student Support Team). This group of educators, administrators, and sometimes even counselors, gather to strategize solutions for students who face academic, behavioral, or emotional challenges. If your child needs a little extra assistance, the SST will be there to plan and support.

Diving into Special Education

When other supports aren't enough, Special Education steps in. It's not a one-size-fits-all program but a tailored approach to meet unique needs. If your child is eligible, they'll have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) designed just for them.

So, How Do These Pieces Fit Together?

Spotting the Need: Child Find ensures every child is on the radar, so no one's needs are overlooked.

Stepping Up the Support: MTSS provides a layered approach to help, ensuring kids get the right level of assistance.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: The SST brings in a team to brainstorm and strategize the best ways to support kids who need it.

Customized Care: If the usual strategies don't seem to be enough, Special Education ensures a personalized approach.


Dear parents, we know how much you care about your child's education. By understanding terms like Child Find, MTSS, SST, and Special Education, you're not just learning education jargon; you're becoming a champion for your child's best possible learning journey. Remember, you're not alone in this – there's an entire system designed to support and uplift your child every step of the way! Partner with us and we can help guide you and provide you with the support you need to ensure that your child’s needs are being met at their school. Call one of our specialists today at 1 (844) 387-5836.