Requesting one on one adult assistance? Keep these things in mind.

How and When adult aides are appropriate

Many parents feel and request that their special needs child only for the district to deny that request.  The aides may be requested for many reasons ranging from instructional assistance health needs to student safety. While requesting an adult aide is certainly fine, most schools have challenges filling these requests. 

Special education law mandates schools to provide student instruction in their least restrictive environment (LRE). Having an aide consistently present nest to a student may or may not be the LRE for a given student. The best way to avoid disappointment during the IEP meetings is to have a proper evaluation for the need of adult aides. Comprehensive and appropriate assessments can give in depth data on specific situations when an adult aide may be required. An offer of FAPE is developed on the basis of data and when considering adult aides, both the District as well as the parents should objectively look at assessment data. 

There are different types of assessments required to gather enough data to determine needs for an adult aide. Expatiate has a comprehensive adult aide assessment profile which can be completed and administered on a on going basis to identify needs for an adult aide. 


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