What is child find?

Child find is the process schools must use to determine which students may have a disability which requiring special education or 504 plans.

 Child Find requires all school districts to identify, locate, and assess all children with disabilities and is required by IDEA Act.  IDEA requires all states to develop and implement a practical method of determining which children are children with disabilities are receiving special education and related services and which children are not.  While it is true that many schools do not timely identify all students who may have a disability, our special education plans are designed to correctly identify students as soon as parents or teachers raise a concern.

Child find law applies even if your child does not attend public schools. 

Expatiate assures to accurately identify all individuals with disabilities including infants, children for whom English is not a primary language, students with severe disabilities, students attending private schools, children from families which move frequently, and children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education even though they are moving up in grades. Once you reach out to us, our team of special education experts will work to develop the best IEP for that student. 

If you have or know of a child you feel needs special education services, contact us to initiate the process. 

Did you know..... Schools take a minimum of 60 calendar days or sometimes more to complete the initial assessment and the IEP. Most students continue to regress during this time in the school.

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