What is educational benefit?

Educational benefit is defined as a student progress on IEP goals and/ or general education standards.

Schools  write IEPs reasonable educational benefit but that may or may not be best for your child. Some considerations Expatiate uses to determine educational benefit are:

  • Are the student’s strengths, preferences, and interests clearly identified including at home data?
  • Are the concerns of the parent identified and addressed?
  • Are all sections of the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance addressed?
  • Do the Present Levels clearly reflect the student’s performance in the educational setting?
  • Do the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance reflect all needs identified in the assessments?
  • Does assistive technology directly relate to the student’s disability?
  • Was the need found through assessment? Is enough and accurate data available?
  • Are current assessments (within the year) in place to determine student’s English proficiency?
  • Does data support the student’s need for a behavioral goal, or an assessment is complete to initiate a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)?
  • Are specific positive behavior interventions, strategies, and supports clearly defined?
  • Does the student require low incidence services, equipment, or materials? Were these needs determined by evaluation by appropriate personnel?
  • What supports, services, and materials are necessary for the student who is blind or visually impaired to receive Educational Benefit?
  • What supports, services, and materials are necessary for the student who is deaf or hard of hearing to receive Educational Benefit?

All IEPs completed by Expatiate Communications are based on formal assessments. Our Achievement Plan offers comprehensive assessments to all families. 

Did You Know: Students should be assessed in all areas of suspected disability not just some. How would you know if  the child was assessed in all areas of suspected disability?

Questions: Securely Email Us